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#149. Eocene Bluffs - Green River - Wyoming.

  6 x 8.5, chromolithograph. Title on plate. This chromolithograph is Plate XIV in Clarence King's Systematic Geology, published in 1878 as part of the record of the United States Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, 1867-1872. The plate is one of ten based on sketches by Gilbert Munger, who was a guest artist of the survey. See this site page for more complete information.

The rock tower resembles that in the background of painting #123. The location is near Green River City WY where the railroad crosses the Green River. The San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin described Munger paintings of similar scenes on 1872 Aug 10.

QFD Pl.41. Tweed 2003 Exhibition n.40. Image is a direct scan of the Systematic Geology plate.

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© Michael D. Schroeder 1 Sep 1999; Updated 19 May 2019.