7 Feb 2025
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Log of Munger Website Updates
7 Feb 2025
- Added a ninth instance of etching #179.
- Added 1936 item to Document Archive.
- Added auction records for #111.
- Added auction record for #338.
- Added 1888 citation for #201.
- Added painting #338.
- Added auction record for #272.
- Added auction record for #66.
- Added painting #337.
- Added auction record for #89.
- Added auction record for #315.
- Moved #120 from England to Scotland.
- Adjusted some painting titles to match labels on paintings, or use consistent punctuation.
- Added an entry for 1876 - summer 1877 documenting Munger's only known visit to his birthplace after leaving for Washington DC when he was 13.
- Standardized the spelling of "Fontainebleau" throughout the site.
- Added an an excerpt concerning Munger, found in a 1881 Jun 16 letter from his friend Walter Paris, to the Document Archive.
- Added painting #336.
- Added painting #335.
- Added entry to the Document Archive for 1975 Jan 21.
- Added entries to the Document Archive for 1878 Sep 7, 1882 Mar 4, 1888 Mar 7, 1890 Jul 23, 1890 Jul 27, 1893 Jun 1, 1927 Jul 18, 1930 Feb 23, and 1896 Jul 25.
- Corrected spelling of Yarnell to Yarnall in the Document Archive.
- Added painting #334.
- Added auction result for #333 .
- Added painting #333 .
- Added painting #332 .
- Reclassified the locale for painting #158.
- Added painting #245 to the Madison Historical Society item on the Munger in Museums page.
- Added the following items to the Document Archive: 1855 Aug 6; 1869 May 14; 1869 Jun 1; 1869 Nov 16; 1872 Sep 20; 1903 Jan 23; and 1904 Jun 7.
- Added the BookProject.html page.
- Made anchor targets in ChronDetails.html highlight when visited.
- Replaced image for recently restored #261.
- Added auction record for #178.
- Reclassified etching #179 from England to Scotland.
- Added auction record for #323.
- Reclassified etching #179 from England to Scotland.
- Added a 3-5 April 1916 auction to the Document Archive.
- Updated the description of painting #153.
- Corrected numerous typos.
- Added highlighting to link hovering.
- Corrected placement of the scroll bar for the main display box.
- Added painting #327.
- Added painting #326.
- Updated the 4 Jan 1904 Document Archive entry, adding a newspaper announcement of a posthumous Munger exhibition.
- Added painting #325.
- Added items to the Document Archive for 1897 and 6 June 1904.
- Updated the 9 November 1916 Document Archive entry with three more auction records.
- Cleaned-up all html validation errors in the website.
- Rewrote html for all picture entries to include an h1 tag. This may enable better indexing by search engines.
- Installed a photo for painting #39.
- Added excerpts from a 18 June 1939 newspaper profile of Munger to the Document Archive. New information: he visited his home town of Madison CT durning the last few years of this life.
- Added links to five published profiles of Munger to the Document Archive.
- Minor restructuring of the website CSS styles to better integrate top and bottom padding with independent scrolling of the menu and content boxes.
- Added auction record for #323.
- Minor reformatting.
- Added 8 Dec 2021 auction for #119.
- Added auction record for #323.
- Added auction record for #320.
- Added the Great Plains Art Museum, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, to the list of museums holding works by Munger.
- Updated the description of #205.
- Recorded the donation of #96 to the Crocker Art Museum.
- Added auction record for #131.
- Added items for 1869 Sep-Oct, 1892 Apr 25, 1911 Feb 23-24, 1922 Apr 21, and 1923 Oct 8-10 to the Document Archive.
- Installed a new image for painting #131.
- Changed the locale for painting #267 from "Unknown USA" to "California -- Mountains,"
- Added a new owner and image to painting #128.
- Added an auction result for painting #251.
- Added an auction result and a new photo to painting #308.
- Added the correct locale and analysis to painting #81.
- Added painting #321.
- Re-hosted the website. Redirected to
- Added items to the Document Archive for 1868 Jun 6, 1870 Feb 21, 1871 Sep 27, 1873 Nov 24, 1887 Jan 26, and 1888 Jun 13.
- Added an item for 1886 Nov 13 to the Document Archive.
- Added an item for 1872 Mar 23 to the Document Archive.
- Added a section to the Site Notes Notes page on producing book version of the website.
- Added a link to the Sources page to the complete Cummings article.
- Reattributed painting #320.
- Added painting #319.
- Updated the description of etching #179.
- Updated the description of painting #91 to suggest it is a Calfirnia mountain landscape.
- Added entries to the Document Archive for 1886 May 9, 1888 Mar 4, 1904 Jan 9, and 1904 Mar 26.
- Added painting #318.
- Updated the descriptions of paintings #93 and #261.
- Added items the the Document Archive for 1876, 1892 Nov 1, 1904, 1906, 1907, and 1908 Jan.
- Added an entry to the Document Archive for 1868 showing a stereoview of painting #154.
- Adopted the 'period before final quote" rule through out the site.
- Added painting #311.
- Added an auction record for #181.
- Reclassified painting #310.
- Added painting #309 along with its auction record.
- Added a museum to the Munger in Museums page.
- Added entries to the Document Archive for 14 Dec 1867, 17 Jan 1872, and 15 Jul 1879.
- Added an entry to the Document Archive for 1880 Apr 3 describing Munger's acceptance in London.
- Added an auction record for #301.
- Corrected some auction prices in Auctions By Date.
- Added comments about source of information to the Site Construction Note.
- Added letters from Munger to niece Olive to the 1889 Apr section of the Document Archive.
- Added an entry to the Document Archive for 1888 Nov 3 claiming that Munger attended a duel in France and made a painting of it.
- Added information about and a photo of the actual location depicted in item #144.
- Added annother artist to the page More Artists "Munger".
- Added an new page describing the Munger chromolithographs in Systematic Geology and updated all the individual chromo emtries to reflect the change.
- Added an entry to the Document Archive for "1870 Summer" containing a photo of Munger and John Ross Key.
- Updated item #308 description and image.
- Added items for 1902 Apr 1/2 and 1901 Jan 23/24 to the Document Archive page.
- Added a section on HTML Tables to the Site Construction Notes.
- Rewrote the Document Archive page and the More Artists "Munger" page to stop using html tables.
- Added a photo "Munger as Squaw" to the Document Archive entry for 1869 Aug.
- Added entry for 1853-1856 to the Document Archive placing Munger at the US Coast Survey as an engraver.
- Added painting #308.
- Installed improvements to the appearance and responsiveness of the UI.
- Added a section on HTML Frames to the Site Construction Notes.
- Added auction result for painting #119.
- Added new page with images of the Tweed Museum Munger collection.
- Added an entry for 1872 to the Document Archive.
- Added a search box to the site's title page.
- Added auction result for painting #272.
- Added a paragraph to the Site Construction Notes.
- Switched site over to https access.
- Added material to the Other Artists Names Munger page.
- Updated description of #119.
- Added painting #307.
- Added a provenance detail to painting #300.
- Added Document Archive entries for 1900 Sep 13 and 1903 Feb 12.
- Added Document Archive entries for the followung dates: 1867 Feb 2, 1867 Apr 11, 1872 Apr 6; 1872 Nov 27; 1873 Mar 2; 1875 Dec 9; 1878 Aug 17; 1878 Sep 7; 1879 Sep 4; 1882 Apr 1; 1883 Jan 25; 1883 Mar 4; 1883 Apr 24; 1884 Sep 19; 1886 May 9; 1889 Apr 17; 1889 Aug 25; 1889 Sep 7; 1893 Jun 4; 1894 Nov 24; 1899 Sep 14; 1902 Mar 2; 1901 Mar 16; 1903 Oct 3; 1917 Sep 3; 1920 Jan 16; 1922 Sep 17.
- Updated auction records for #22.
- Added auction listing for painting #292.
- Added painting #302.
- Added a page recording site construction notes.
- Added painting #301.
- Added auction entry for #40.
- Added painting #300.
- Added entries for 1884 Jan 17, Jan 31, and Apr 4 describing Munger reestablishing his Washington DC studio.
- Added entry for 1887 describing a Munger painting at the Hnaover Gallery, London.
- Updated the description of #287 to include a related catalog entry from 1910.
- Added a Document Archive entry for May 1867 explaining the relationship of the King 40th Parallel Survery to Munger's life and work.
- Added Document Archive entries for 1870 Aug 11, 1870 May 27, 1872 Apr 18, 1872 Jun 17, and 872 Jul 12. These all are drawn from passenger lists for the west-bound Overland Trains.
- Added painting #299.
- Added article dated 1 January 1887 to the document archive.
- Added painting #296.
- Replaced painting #153. Was not by Gilbert Munger.
- Added painting #292.
- Added painting #287.
- Released new version of the website converted to HTML5/CSS.
- Added painting #286.
- Added auction for #106.
- Corrected auction record for #282.
- Added a new item to the Other Artists Named Munger page.
- Added new signatures to the Autograph page.
- Added new auction record for painting #89 and updated its description.
- Added new auction record for painting #269 and updated its description.
- Installed a new photo for painting #241 and updated its description.
- Added painting #280.
- Added painting #271.
- Added painting #270.
- Added article dated 1895 Aug 21 to the document archive.
- Added painting #266.
- Added paintings #265.
- Added several articles to the document archive.
- Added painting #262.
- Added painting #261.
- Added painting #258.
- Added painting #257.
- Added auction record for painting #254.
- Added an upcoming auction to painting #197.
- Added an item to the document archive for 1896 Jul 22.
- Added painting #253.
- Replaced image for painting #221.
- Added new painting #252.
- Added an item to the document archive for 1868.
- Added new painting #251.
- Added an item to the document archive for 1881 Jul 15.
- Added items to the document archive for the following dates: 1867 Jul 11, 1867 Nov 16, 21 1870 Feb 21, 1871 Mar 4, 1871 Apr 20, 1871 Sep 9, 1872 Jun 22, 1872 Nov 12, Dec 1872 Dec 25, 16 May 1873 May 16, 1875 Nov 6, 1876 Jan 5, 1879 Oct 16, 1881 Jun 28, 1889 Sep 10, 1890 Jan 12, 1891 Jan 13, and 1893 Oct 31.
- Added new painting #250.
- Added new painting #249.
- Added auction notice the entry for painting #163.
- Added image for painting #248.
- Added entry for new painting #248.
- Added entry for new painting #247.
- Added recently discovered copy of a Munger painting,by his friend Dwight Williams,to the Archives entry dated 1904.
- Added auction record for painting #234.
- Added new painting #246.
- Added new painting #245.
- Added location information to entry for painting #135.
- Added new painting #244.
- Added auction result for painting #200.
- Added auction reference to entry for painting #200.
- Added new painting #243.
- Added image for etching #216.
- Added entry for 1899 Apr 15 to the Chronology
- Added page on other artists named Munger.
- Added new painting #240.
- Added auction sale for painting #118.
- Added passage from Harold Bell Wright's book To My Sons describing meeting Munger to the document archive; see 1895 summer.
- Added new painting #239.
- Added new painting #238.
- Move 2003/4 Exhibition page to main body of site.
- Added new painting #235.
- Added new painting #234.
- Replaced image for painting #220.
- Added new painting #233.
- Added new painting #232.
- Added photographs for etching #231.
- Updated description of etching #179 to include a recently uncovered third instance.
- Added item for 1870 Nov 14 to the archive.
- Added new archive entries for 1891 Jun 6, 1893 Dec 8, 1903 Jun 27, 1905 Feb 18, and 1916 Nov 16.
- Added new image and auction for painting #54.
- Added new photo for painting #224.
- Revised captions for Utah Wasatch Mountains section.
- Added a discussion of the Wasatch Mountains paintnigs.
- Added provenance information (back to Munger) and auction records for paintings #8, #40, #48, #50, #62, #71, #72, and #73.
- Added entry for painting #228.
- Added entry for painting #227.
- Added page for Munger's palette.
- Updated the images for paintings #172 and #217.
- Added auction sale records for paintings #129 and #226.
- Added entry for 1895 to the document achive as well as an ethching of the Art Association exhibition in July 1873 showing Munger's Shoshone Falls painting.
- Updated the description and image for painting #129.
- Added a new entries for paintings #222, #223, #224, #225, and #226.
- Added entries for 1880 Apr 14, 1882 Feb 27, 1893 Sep 17, and 1903 Mar 8 to the document achive.
- Updated the description for painting #219.
- Added a new institution to the Museum page.
- Replaced image for entry #40.
- Updated entry for etching #221.
- Added entry for new painting #217.
- Added Munger article from The Magazine Antiques to the site.
- Added entries for 1876 Feb 21, 1881 May 21 and 1881 in the Chronology.
- Updated description of painting #46, finally identifying the Scottish mountain depicted.
- Added entries for 1871 Jun 1, 1903 Jun 1, and 1904 Sep 9; and updated the entry for 1861-1865 in the Chronology.
- Updated description of painting #94.
- Added several Munger letters to the Chronology, starting in 1902.
- Added new painting #212.
- Added new entries to the Chronology for 1926 Jan 5 and 1997 Nov 20.
- Added links to three original documents to the Sources page.
- Upgraded images for many paintings.
- Added the text of the Dec 1877 Dec 25 letter from Munger to Emmons to the Chronology.
- Reworked the navigation panel and added facilities to assure proper framing of catalog pages.
- Added images for painting #139 and extended its description.
- Added images for painting #188.
- Combined entries for two painting into #192.
- Created entry for a new painting reusing #188.
- Added a entry to the list of Museums holding Munger's work.
- Replaced images for painting #154.
- Replaced images for painting #173.
- Added a new auction record to the Auctions section.
- Added a section on the Munger Autograph.
- Upgraded the images for painting #211.
- Upgraded the navigation links in the site.
- Added new painting #211.
- Updated descriptions of paintings #194 and #195.
- Added a name to the Acknowledgments.
- Added an Auction record.
- Added Chronology material for Civil War period.
- Added Chronology entry for 1861 - 1863.
- Updated enries for 1861 - 1865.
- Updatesd description and image for painting #114.
- Added Chronology entries for 1873 Jan 3 and 1875 Dec 6.
- Updates descriprtion and image for painting #209.
- Many new Chronology entries: 1869 Sep 17, Oct 12, 15, 18; 1870 Nov 5; 1871 Mar 4; 1874 Jan 30 through May 9, Nov 5; 1875 Jun 26; 1876 Jun 17; 1896 Feb 16; 1901 May 5; 1902 Jan 24, Apr 7, Dec 1, 28; 1903 Jan 27, 29, 31.
- Added new painting #210.
- Several entries are added to the "Aftermath" section of the Chronology.
- Updates descriprtions for paintings #58, #63, and #75.
- Updated auction record for paintings #194 and #195.
- Added painting #209.
- New Chronology entry describing Munger's family.
- Added paintings #204, #205, #206, #207, and #208.
- Improved descriptions of paintings #42, #74, #77, and #175.
- Many new Chronology entries resulting from Prof. J. Gray Sweeney's research trip to the Library of Congress. Search for "GS".
- Improved the description of painting #75.
- Several additions to the Chronology for the years 1886 - 1893.
- Updated descriptions of chromolithographs #143, #145, #152.
- Added entries for 1873 Oct 19, 1875 Jul 9, 1875 Oct 24, and 1875 Oct 31 to the Chronology. These establish that Munger made a third trip to California in 1875.
- Added entry for 1873 Jul 5 to the Chronology.
- Added map of Paris locations to the the Munger Biography Page.
- Added paintings #200 and #201.
- Updated description and image for painting #109.
- Updated the Chronology entry for 1869 Jun 12 and 1904 Jan 4-16.
- Updated the descriptions for paintings #71, #72, #184, #197, and #198.
- Added note that #188 and #192 may be the same painting.
- New images for painting #197.
- Updated the descriptions for paintings #3 and #80.
- Completed the Chronology entry for 3 June 1893 and added an entries for 1867 Jul 7, 1868 Jan 30, and 1868 Sep 13.
- Added item to the Acknowledgments page.
- Added new paintings #197, #198 and #199.
- Dated the Chronology entry for 1893 Jun 3.
- Added several Acknowledgments.
- Added entry for new painting #196.
- Replaced images and updated descriptions for paintings #194 and #195.
- Added entries for new paintings #194 and #195.
- Added Chronology entries for 1873 Jan 17, 1873 Apr 7, 1873 May 16, 1873 May 26, and 1873 Jun 27, plus added some details to the entries for 1893 Apr, 1893 Jun 19, and 1874 Dec 20.
- Added image and details for painting #191.
- Added Chronology entries for 27 August 1870 Aug 27 and 2 1872 May 2.
- Replace image for painting #9.
- New Chronology entries for the date 1851.
- Updated the Acknowledgements section.
- Updated description of painting #141.
- Reclassified painting #113 as Cazenovia, New York.
- New Chronology entries for the dates 1850 Sep 28, 1851, 1860 Jun 22, 1872/3, 1873 Jan 25, and 1873 Feb.
- Added paintings #191, another Minnehaha Falls, and #192, a Barbizon landscape.
- Added article for Mar 1870 Mar 16 to the Chronology section.
- Added paintings #188, #189, and #190, all Barbizon subjects.
- In the Chronology section, completed the entries for 1874 Oct 25 and 1874 Nov 15 with the full text of the articles and established the date of the Minneapolis Journal Munger obituary as 1903 May 2.
- Added articles for 5 Jan 1904 and 12 Nov 1923 to the Chronology section.
- Added painting #187.
- Expanded 1893 article in the Chronology section.
- Changed html of catalog entries to avoid a bug in Macintosh Netscape 4.74 and 4.75.
- Replaced image and updated description for painting #53.
- Updated description of painting #142.
- Added several articles to the Chronology section, especially covering the period in 1903 just after Munger's death.
- Completed the articles quotations in the Chronology entries for 1874 Oct 20, 1874 Nov 29, 1874 Dec 20, 1875 Jan 17, and 1875 Feb 14.
- Repaired the html of many pages.
- Updates description for paintings #53 and #77.
- Many additions to the Chronology, principally from St. Paul Pioneer newspaper between 1867 and 1882.
- Added painting #185.
- Updated description of paintings #77, #106, #120, and #179.
- Replace image for painting #138.
- Added painting #184.
- Added late 1880s Hanover Gallery, London, exhibition records to the Chronology section.
- Minor updates to sizes and provenances of several painting entries.
- Added entry to Acknowledgements section.
- Added two Auction records.
- Added entries to Acknowledgements section.
- Added and updates entries to the Chronology section.
- Many additions to the Chronology, principally for the years 1869 - 1872.
- Replaced Chronology entry for 1870 Aug 19.
- Added Chronology entry for 1869 Jun 12.
- Added paintings #180 and #181.
- Replaced image for painting #63.
- Added evidence to the "References" entry for Memoir in the Chronology section that James Cresap Sprigg was the author of Memoir.
- Replaced image for paintings #41, and #178.
- Added and expanded many Chronology entries, including those for 1870 June 5, 1870 Aug 28, and 1882 Nov.
- Updated description for #179.
- Added entries to the Chronology.
- Replaced images for painting #1.
- Added cross links to descriptions of similar paintings.
- Replaced images for painting #44.
- Updated descriptions of paintings #83, #140, and #178.
- Added Munger in IAP page.
- Added several acknowledgements and added links.
- Added painting #178.
- Replaced images for paintings #36, and #171.
- Updated the descriptions of paintings #6, #105, and #175.
- Reclassified paintings #36, #140, and #168 as French.
- Added paintings #175, #176, and #177.
- Replaced images for paintings #6, #10, #12, #14, #17, #18, #52, #85, #107, #156, #157, #159, #160, #161, and #162.
- Updated the descriptions of paintings #9, #18, #108, and #159.
- Updated the descriptions of paintings #7, #15, #18, #22, #44, and #161.
- Changed the formats of Munger in Museums and Pictures ID# Index pages.
- Reorganized Table of Contents.
- Added Pictures ID# Index page.
- Added Auction pages.
- Combined painting #44 into record for painting #23.
- Reused #44 for the newly located painting.
- Added new painting #174.
- Replaced image painting #47.
- Created Site Updates and Munger in Museums pages.
- Changed order of non-catalog pages.
- Web site goes live at Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth MN.
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© Michael D. Schroeder 1998 - 2024