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#86. Duluth 1872.

  34 x 60, oil on canvas, restored in 1982. "Gilbert Munger" lower left. There is a label on the back from the Tweed Museum of Art, Univ. of Minnesota Duluth 1960 exhibition. Munger painted three versions of this view, one in 1871 (#19), one in 1871-72 (#334), and this one in 1872. H. J. Mullin unsuccessfully offered it to the City of Duluth in 1929 while it hung at the Kitchi Gami Club, where it still hangs. A plate on the frame states: "Duluth 1872 -- Loaned by Henry Mullin." Oddly enough, Mullin also at one point owned the 1871 version, which Luther Mendenhall successfully gave to the Duluth Public Library in 1917. Image from author's photo.

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© Michael D. Schroeder 1 Sep 1999; Updated 20 Mar 2020.